December The Club Holiday Party was a great, fun event, and the Christmas
Lights Tour collected a wonderful food donation of 224lbs for the food
bank. Report on both here.
November Cars & candy, Southwest Unique Meet, and Cub Scout Pow Pow - a busy month! See the report here.
October The 24th British Vintage Voyage was enjoyed by all who attended, despite some catering, and car breakdown problems along the way. Pictures and report here.
September Club BBQ was a real success with eighteen participants, including
some friends from the UK!
June J. Heath's Birthday at Flagstaff was a great time, with loads of cars to
view. See report here.
May Spring Into Summer event only had a few participants, but we had fun!
April Back in in beginning of February UK member Keith Ballard went to the
Paris Retromoblie Show and saw these Minis.
Feb & March Everyone enjoyed the drive and food at our annual Pancakes in the Park event where we raised over $200! The Treasure Hunt fun drive
was a real success. And the Britsh Wheels at the Highland Games
weekend turned out great too!
Full report of all three events is here.
December The Christmas Lights Tour collected a great donation of food for the
food bank. Our Christmas Party was a real success!
October The Mesa Marketplace Charity Car Show had a reduced attendance
but a significant donation to charity was still achieved. Report is here.
September The British Vintage Voyage report is at this link.
May The report from the Spring into Summer Rally is here. This also
includes an event held in Chelsea, London, UK.
March The 2022 Classic Mini Repair Day, and the Highland Games were this
month. Here's the report and photos. Additionally, the Triumph Club,
DCTRA, Breakfast Drive on Sunday, March 20th was attended by
some of our members.
February Pancakes in the Park was a great success. We raised over $200 - a
great beginning towards our 2022 fund-raising events.
January The Landmark Rally (held on 23rd) report and photos are here.
Check out the reports and other associated information from our events this year. Please note that the full Newsletters are available only to our members.
** Click here for an archive of reports from previous years.